I hope I'm not starting to sound like a broken record here, but my blog is one of the ways that I work through how I feel about my life, and this Thursday seems like as good a time as any to throw out some ideas, ok pictures, about my dream for the future.
I've been watching the weather buttons on my blog, and listening to a few Pacific Northwest bloggers, and I would have to say that the weather up there is making me a little nervous about living there. I will definitely have to visit in the winter/early spring to see what that actually feels like. But I'm still pretty sure that I can handle wearing gloves, scarves, boots, and jackets as long as I get to see the world looking like the photos below. Yeah baby, I want glorious natural landscapes!
And there's also the issue about how far away it is, but, well, I never let that stop me before. And I don't have to stay there forever, I suppose, but I do feel an intense pull to the West Coast, so I'm definitely going to go that way. I think I might find my village there. I can't tell you how many people from Oregon have started popping into my reality...authors, bloggers, drivers in front of me. Yes, it's true! I have NEVER seen an Oregon license plate until yesterday. My kids asked, "What are they doing HERE?" I looked at the big SUV and thought, "Oh, they've come to the right place if that's what they are driving around in!"
But seriously, I just wanted to kick back and look at some beautiful scenery today, so I went to Google's image search and typed in Oregon. Here are 13 vistas I would absolutely love to witness, in person!!!
- I love, love, love, love, love the ocean. And this is rugged ocean. With rocky formations for the waves to crash against! Ahhhhh!
- And here's one in a bluer hue...
- And here's one after a storm at sunset...
- Oh, and this one showing the crasshhhhhhhh...
- We now interrupt the coastal photos for the idyllic farmscape... Have I mentioned that I have always wanted to live on a farm?
- Back to some water, but this is falling water... falling over lush greenery...*sigh*
- And now for some snowy mountains and flowering meadows... are we in heaven yet?
- Even the manmade Janpanese Gardens are exquisite, and since Japan is farther away than Oregon...
- Mountains and meadows and rocks, OH MY...!!!
- A river, cliffs of rock, and evergreen forests anyone...???
- A majestic waterfall perhaps? Height is proportional to "majesty" I believe...
- And we can't forget the mesmerizing Crater Lake...
- And finally, one more luscious waterfall for good measure...
This photographer calls the Oregon Coast "nirvana." I absolutely agree. Check out HIS righteous photos from a week-long trip down the coastline. And, as always, may you be blessed this week--with visions of the desires of your heart. May you follow your dreams in perfect joy! (Yes, you may have perfect joy. Ask and ye shall receive. Believe, and it is so.)
© Nicole J. Williams, 2008, all rights reserved.
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Can I come? Just to visit, I mean. It's way beautiful.
Beautiful pictures!
Gorgeous. I was thinking that next week I might do 13 places that I would like to visit...nnd Oregon was one of those places...and these pictures just cement its location on that list!
Thanks for sharing your dreams with us. :)
I've lived in Texas and I've lived in Oregon (and obviously Washington) and I much prefer the PNW, but it does take getting used to. IF you can survive your first winter/spring you're golden. Many can't take it, but it's worth it if you can...
Beautiful, fabulous, classy, wonderful!!!
Nicole, I'm glad you identified Craster Lake. I've been there, too. Amazing. Now, I'd love identities of the other photos too. Of, if you don't have them, tell us you don't so I don't wonder and wish. Well, maybe I'd wonder anyway, but I would KNOW I have to give it up. LOL.
You've got a great blog going.
Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Award-winning author of This Is the Place, a saga of five hardy Utah women, some wives of polygamists, who somehow make their lives work against all odds.
How incredibly beautiful! It looks heavenly. I could put up with a lot to live in a place that gorgeous! One of my college room-mates was from Grants Pass, Oregon, and she was always telling me how beautiful Oregon is. Apparently she was right!
HA!!! The first winter was nothing. It's the second winter that's wearing me down. But then... I so love it here. I ain't leavin'. Oregon is truly beautiful. I've arrived... and I haven't been able to say that for a long time.
I think I need to send you some of my own pics, Nicole, since you seem to enjoy Oregon pics. :)
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